Improved Overall Health
When you think of a Chiropractor in Johnson City TN, one of the first things that comes to mind is probably relief for back pain. However, neurologically based chiropractic care can provide improved overall health for many different health concerns. Health can be defined as “an optimal state of function.” True health is our bodies being able to function properly, as God intended, giving us the freedom to enjoy our life and work without a plethora of health concerns.
It may seem like a good idea or easier option to just cover up the symptom and get through the pain, but thankfully, chiropractic gives us the option to allow the body to heal as it was designed to do and get rid of the symptom at its source and. Being pain free is amazing – but what if we could not only feel better, but function better, too? Focusing on our nervous system helps our bodies to uncover and work to eradicate symptoms instead of covering them up temporarily.
The result? Less pain, less medical costs, and better quality of life to spend with those we love!
Sara’s Story:
Sara suffered with neck pain, lower back pain, numbness in her hands and feet, constipation, and TMJ for many years. Her conditions were getting worse with time, and the pain was consistent and very distracting. Painkillers didn’t seem to work, and steroid shots for her TMJ only provided temporary relief, then caused the pain to be worse! She was slightly skeptical about neurologically based chiropractic care at first but found over time and repetition that her symptoms began to dissipate. Since being under care, her results include emotional healing, no more constipation, a renewal of balance, and more energy. “At Integral Chiropractic, you’re able to relax and be yourself. The doctor actually listens. He is very informative, takes time to explain things, is very positive, and gives great advice for healthy living.”
Goertz, C. M., Long, C. R., Vining, R. D., Pohlman, K. A., Walter, J., & Coulter, I. (2018). Effect of Usual Medical Care Plus Chiropractic Care vs Usual Medical Care Alone on Pain and Disability Among US Service Members With Low Back Pain. JAMA Network Open, 1(1). doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2018.0105
Emary, P. C., Brown, A. L., Cameron, D. F., & Pessoa, A. F. (2019). Chiropractic integration within a community health center: a cost description and partial analysis of cost-utility from the perspective of the institution. J Can Chiro Assoc 2019, 63(2), 64-79.