Chiropractic and Digestive Health

Not many things are as frustrating as stomach pains and digestive issues. Adults and children alike suffer with conditions such as IBS, Crohn’s disease, constipation, acid reflux and overall poor digestive health.  It’s easy to just accept these health issues as a life sentence, but our Johnson City Chiropractor gives people the freedom of less pain and better quality of life.

For example, a recent study showed the benefits of chiropractic care in an 8-year-old girl with pelvic unleveling and irregular bowel movements. After trying several things with little to no results, the girl’s parents decided to try chiropractic care. The girl saw improvements after 2 weeks of care, and after six weeks, her digestive issues were no longer an issue!  The best part?  It was the first time in her life that she was accident free!

“I can now incorporate gluten back into my diet again!”

In 2011, Callan found out she was severely intolerant to gluten.  Sometimes, her body would ache for two weeks at a time after eating gluten!  She had completely changed her diet and even the slightest contamination would upset her system.  She was in college, unable to eat most food at the cafeteria and was constantly having her studies interrupted by the anxiety she was now experiencing.  She had tried different forms of therapy and nothing was helping, not even medications.  She struggled through this daily routine for four years until finally, chiropractic entered her life.  After three months of care, she noticed significant decreases in her anxiety attacks, and after five months of care, she realized she could tolerate gluten if it was introduced into her diet much better than before!  Now, one year after her first adjustment, Callan will tell you, “I found that I am able to incorporate gluten into my daily diet again and I have not had a panic attack in months.”

“When I’m on schedule with my appointments and see Dr. Micheal

regularly, I have absolutely no IBS symptoms!”

I had IBS pain in my whole abdomen area with cramping, bloating, diarrhea and constipation.

My symptoms were very severe!  This had been going on for as long as I could remember.  I was hospitalized for five days when I was ten years old for these symptoms, and it has just continued to get worse over the years.

I had seen doctors who wanted me to take pills that would just cover up my symptoms and had bad side effects.  My IBS had gotten so bad that I thought I had a gluten intolerance or Celiac disease or something worse.

I was very skeptical when I heard chiropractic care could help with IBS.  I had decided to finish out my first appointment because of my husband, and I wasn’t planning to come back!  But, as I was going to get my x-ray, another patient came out of a room and stopped Saralynn to tell her that she was no longer taking insulin and one of her arms was no longer falling asleep; NOW they had my attention!  I decided to give it a try.

My results were subtle, so I didn’t notice fully what had taken place until about three weeks into my care.  I had McDonald’s food and said to those around me “I will pay for this!”  But I never did!!  When I’m on schedule with my appointments and see Dr. Micheal regularly, I have absolutely no IBS symptoms!

I would recommend neurologically based chiropractic care to others who are sick, suffering, or in pain.  I can now eat what I want!  I couldn’t fully understand how much better I was feeling until the holidays—I missed several appointments and began to be miserable again.

– Sara


Meeks, S., DC, Green, T., DC, & Evans, M., DC. (2019).  Resolution of Pediatric Encopresis Following Chiropractic Care to Correct Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Study & Review of the LIterature. J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, 2019, 6-10.

Mercovich, A. P. (2019).  Resolution of Chronic Constipation & Dysautonomia in a Three-Year-Old Femaile Following Chiropractic Care: A Case Report & Review of the Literature. J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, 100-104.

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