Sports Accidents and Pain Medication

The first response for most people in pain is to reach for medication.  Sports injuries and trauma can leave lasting, debilitating pain for years to come. And while pain reliever medications can give temporary relief, unfortunately, the side effects can be just as bad – or even worse! –  than the original issue.  Temporary relief tricks the mind into thinking that the issue is resolved, when in reality, it’s only masking the underlying cause.  This can lead to feelings of depression or despair, putting the mind on an emotional roller coaster, feeling fine one minute, then upended again the next.

In the end, it becomes a vicious cycle – pain, medication, then poor emotional health, which leads to more pain.  Neurologically based chiropractic care gives a different option: finding the pain at its source, and freeing the body up to heal from the root.  With our Johnson City Chiropractic team, we seek to help practice members remove vertebral subluxation, which causes interference and interruption in communication between the brain and the body.

When the nervous system can communicate freely, it allows the whole body to function properly and in order which leads to optimal health and healing! Your body was designed to heal!

“I was back on the golf course pain free!”

My journey all started with excruciating low back pain. I was 15 years old, playing a round of golf for a school competition. It was the last hole of the round, and I needed a great drive to have a chance at winning. I put all that I had into the drive, heard a pop, and somehow ended up falling to my knees in pain. As I knelt there, I realized my lower back was hurting so bad that I did not want to move and risk any further pain. After some time went by, I was able to walk over to the bench with some support from a friend. I started loading up with pain killers for that next week with no answer in sight. It was about 8 days after the injury that I was taken to the chiropractor. After some time, I was back on the golf course PAIN FREE! All it took was time and repetition for my body to respond to the adjustments. I couldn’t be more thankful for chiropractic! Also, while under care, I noticed my allergies had gone down quite a bit. It was amazing how my body was able to battle these allergies I had since I was a young kid. I was that kid on Claritin every day of my life, until under neurologically based chiropractic care! Now I do not suffer with allergies. – Anthony


Luca, K. D. Wong, A., Eklund, A., Fernandez, M., Byles, J. E., Parkinson, L., … Hartvigsen, J. (2019). Multisite joint pain in older Australian women is associated with poorer psychosocial health and greater medication use.  Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, 27(1). doi:10.1186/s12009-018-0224-9

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